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About cookies

This website uses necessary cookies to function, and analytical cookies to improve the user experience.

Everyone who visits a website that uses cookies must by law receive information about these, what they are used for and how you can turn them off.

What is cookies?

Cookies are text files that the website requests to store on the visitor's computer.

There are two types of cookies; permanent cookies and session cookies. Permanent cookies are stored as a file on your computer or mobile phone for a fixed period of time, or until you or the website deletes them. Session cookies are stored temporarily, and disappear when you close your browser.

A cookie can be set as a first-party cookie or a third-party cookie.

First-party cookies are set by Uddevalla Hamnterminal, who are the owner of the website uddevalla-hamn.se.

Third-party cookies are set by another website.

Cookies at uddevalla-hamn.se

This website uses the following cookies:

Necessary - cookies that are necessary forthe website to function properly. They cannot be turned off.

  • Sitevision - created by the website's own CMS.

Analytical - cookies that provide us with statistics on how our visitors use the website. With the help of these, we can maintain and improve the user experience of the website.

  • Google Analytics

If you do not accept cookies

Necessary cookies cannot be turned off, they are required for the website to function correctly. Analytical cookies are optional and can be opted out. To opt out on analytical cookies, choose the accept only necessary cookies option in our cookie-banner.