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Crane 60, on site in Västra hamnen in 2025

Projektgruppen som har hand om färdigställande och leverans av kran 60.

Procurement of a new crane for Port of Uddevalla has been completed, and Mantsinen will be the crane supplier. An official start-up meeting was held on monday, for the project group that will work towards completion and delivery of the crane.

The project group consists of our employees, led by Maintenance Manager Jonas Westlund, Johnny Petersson from PEKAB, as well as Ari Toivanen, Janne Almasmäki and Anders Johansson from Mantsinen. Together, we will create the conditions to expand Port of Uddevallas operations.

Delivery date for the crane, which has been named crane 60, was also set during the meeting. As the first of its kind in Sweden, our new Mantsinen 300 will be on site in Uddevalla on May 31, 2025. The crane will help us to deliver stable and sustainable vessel operations for our customers, for a long time to come. It will also be a component that ensures that Västra hamnen becomes an area to be reckoned with, in the future of Port of Uddevalla.


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