Port of Uddevalla is easily reached by railway. We have Bohusbanan from Gothenburg with good capacity. And Vänerbanan via Öxnered which gives the industry in Central Sweden good access to Port of Uddevalla - Central Sweden's closest west coast port!
We have plenty of opportunities to handle cargo via railway, to and from the port. Port of Uddevalla has 10 km of railway track within the area. Which, among other things, provides the perfect opportunities for setting up or switching railway wagons. We can also offer the possibility to handle cargo directly between rail and vessel, at Skeppsholmspiren. This gives Port of Uddevalla unique opportunities to handle track-bound project loads.
Several of our warehouses at Sörvik and Skeppsholmspiren are located directly next to railway tracks, which makes protected loading possible. We also have the option of arranging railway interchange services.
- Senast uppdaterad:
- 2024-06-13
- Publicerad:
- 2024-06-13